I Spy Downtown Franklin…

Xander, Roman, and I met a few moms and kids from our moms’ group for a preschool edition of a self-guided walking tour of downtown Franklin. It was really fun! It started out a little rocky with the bookseller arriving late to open up and only having one I Spy Franklin Preschool Edition book (we ended up just walking down to another shop to buy two more) and Xander pitching a fit because he didn’t want to leave the charming little kids’ room in the back of the bookstore without a story book he fell in love with (I totally get it). But the boys ended up getting really into it…I brought an extra piece of paper and a crayon for Roman, and he was right there in the middle of it. We spied the columns and a clock on the courthouse, the four owls on top of the buildings in the square, the statue of a man on the obelisk in the roundabout, the interesting shapes laid into the brick-face of the old bank, a gate that looked like gingerbread…and even made crayon rubbings of the first letters of the boys’ names from engraved stones in front of the courthouse and from a metal dial at the base of the monument in the square. I can’t wait to go back and take Jonas!

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