Uncle Kerry’s Visit…

We were so excited to have Uncle Kerry home for Christmas from Taiwan (for the first time in a year and a half) and to meet up with him for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel before leaving for our Seyfried Family visit in Virginia for the holidays!!!  (From left to right and front to back…Uncle Kerry, Aunt Julie, Grandma Connie, Aunt Jeanne, Daddy, Mommy, and Jonas.)  

Hanging out with Meme and Papa…

I love this picture of Meme and Jonas…it reminds me of the day we spent at Meme and Papa’s.  Sheri, Jonas and I were hanging out in the kitchen making peppermint bark.  At one point, I stepped away, and when I walked back into the kitchen, Sheri was holding a sleeping Jonas on her shoulder and laughing. She had picked him up, as he had started to fuss a little bit, and was amazed, as she continued with her cooking (crushing candy canes with a mallet) while holding him, that he fell asleep.  HaHa!!!  

A Thanksgiving Visit…

We enjoyed visiting with Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Phil over the Thanksgiving holidays.  Here are a few pictures of their time with us:  Jonas hanging out with Grandma, while she was cross-stitching his stocking; Grandma and Grandpa in front of Jonas’ first Christmas tree; and Grandpa holding Jonas at the beautiful Thanksgiving table set for the Stuart Family gathering.

Jonas’ Godmother…

And introducing Jonas’ priceless Godmother, Julie Lee.  We listen to her new EP (“Will There Really Be a Morning?”) almost every morning, starting our day with “Petite Bebe”…Jonas with his eyes as wide as saucers and me with my heart overflowing for my little one whose ears seem to be just as attentive to and as in love with music as my own.

Five Weeks…

Here is Jonas:  wrapped up in Daddy’s childhood quilt and enjoying the true Snow Day experience with Mommy; chilling with Daddy and basking in the evening glow of his MacBook; and curled up on Daddy’s chest, thankful to be home, after a morning of Christmas shopping.

Date Nights…

Thanks to Tamara, Aunt Julie and Cousins Jordan and Dylan, and Grandma Connie who have all stayed with Jonas for emergency and non-emergency date nights.  We love and appreciate you and know that Jonas does too!!! (A picture of Tamara and Jonas is forthcoming…).


Stick ‘Em Up…

This picture makes me laugh so hard and is one of the many reasons why we love our little baby boy…all of his different sounds, expressions, and poses.  We had just come in from a stroll around the neighborhood, with Jonas all cozied up in the Baby Bjorn, complete with sweaters and hats and blankets, and this is what he looked like when I took him out of his warm little mobile home and laid him down.  HeHe!!!

One Week…

This is our little man, napping on the one week anniversary of his birth.  The lamb behind him was in my crib when I came home from the hospital too…it still plays a beautiful, if out of tune from age, Brahms’ Lullaby, that he seems to enjoy just as much as I did.

At Last…

At last…Daddy holding Jonas a few minutes after his birth in the labor and delivery room, and Mommy holding Jonas a few hours after his birth in the postpartum room (look at his little praying hands…and we agree…”Thank you, God, that we are finally all here together…safe and sound and healthy…warm and cozy”). What a blessing that we do not ever want to take for granted!!!