Twenty-Six Months…

In his twenty-sixth month, Jonas is: bringing a smile to our faces every day with his sentences (I can do it, I can want some, I got both guys, Here comes JoJo down the stairs, This is my milk Mommy, JoJo did such a good job eating cereal, etc.); knowing all of his letters and the sounds that they make (and starting to figure out what letters certain words start with); counting from 1 to 10 (and beyond); learning his shapes (he correctly identified a rectangle and an oval the other day much to our amazement); grasping the concepts of paying for something before you can have it at the store and checking out and returning books at the library; working on manners (he’s even outed with a few spontaneous yes ma’ams, pleases, and thank yous) and sharing (he’s getting some good practice in, as Xander is able to crawl now and grab for toys on the floor); climbing into and buckling himself into his high chair all by himself (he’ll be moving to the booster seat this week); using a fork and a spoon (he can totally feed himself yogurt and applesauce out of the container now without making too big of a mess); handing MaMa his plate, fork, and cup when he’s finished eating instead of throwing them; calming down a little bit on the fussy front (hopefully); enjoying lessons and doing crafts; going pee pee in the potty like a big boy; starting to pretend play; and continuing to make amazing associations and connections with his reading and playing (running to get his panda bear when he reads a story with a panda bear in it, matching up ABC picture magnets with ABC alphabet train puzzle pieces, and going through the utensil drawer to compare his kitchen toys to the real thing).

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