Noble Springs Dairy…

Xander and Roman and I headed out to Noble Springs Dairy this morning for a tour. They usually really dig things like that, but for some reason…this time around…they became very quickly NOT INTO IT in a big way. Xander does not do hot or walking long distances. It turned out to be much warmer than I thought it would be, and my thought that I could get away without bringing the jogger stroller since I have such big boys now…was wrong!!! Looking back on it, I suppose it was quite funny but not in the moment to have two fairly big boys pitching laying down fits and refusing to walk while everyone else went merrily on their way. It wasn’t surprising to me in a way with the week I’ve had but still a bit of a kick in the pants on the way out the door at the end of the week. Needless to say, we left early. They were both excited about the barn cats, and that’s about it. The picture of Xander with the goat sticking his tongue out at him is pretty telling (definitely how I felt about my boys’ attitudes, obviously how the boys felt about the farm, and most likely how the farm animals, farmer and fellow tourists felt about my tantruming, wailing children). So there!

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