Homeschooling: Day 11…

Let me start out by saying that there was QUITE a bit of fighting today between the boys, and I think we were all emotionally exhausted by the time bedtime rolled around.

Roman had MULTIPLE meltdowns…I’m not sure what’s going on with him. He’s sleeping well, eating well, having special time with mommy and daddy, getting exercise outdoors, etc. Tom and I talked about it tonight, and we think maybe he just needs a break from his brothers (since there’s no school and no playdates with friends right now to break up the time with them…AND they’re all taking everything out on each other). So, Tom is going to take Roman to work with him tomorrow morning (luckily, it’s just Tom at his office) and let him do homeschool there.

This weekend, the boys’ teachers sent out activity suggestions for the week, incorporating WCS online resources and the packet they already gave us, for each grade level. What a Godsend!!! The boys took right to it…I think it’s much less overwhelming than having things completely open-ended or having to sift through a load of information/choices to figure out exactly what to do. We were able to slide it all right into the daily homeschool routine that works best for us without a problem. Yay!

During Writing:
Jonas responded to a letter from Ethan (his best friend).
Xander added another post to his classroom discussion online and reviewed compound sentences on Flocabulary.
Roman wrote a letter to Owen (his best friend), filled out a story elements graphic organizer for “Captain Underpants” by Dav Pilkey, and wrote his spelling words in shaving cream.

During Math:
The boys progressed on their individualized math programs on Khan Academy and Beast Academy (love these!!!). Jonas worked on ratios, Xander on shapes and skip-counting, and Roman on comparing, subtraction, and odds and evens.

During Reading:
Jonas sat on the upstairs couch by the window, read on his Paperwhite Kindle, and typed out the answers to a few questions from his packet.
Xander curled up on the downstairs couch with his blanket and dove back into “Tales of an 8 Bit Kitten: A Call to Arms” by Cube Kid for the third time (he has been LOVING that book since he got it from Amazon last week).
Roman tucked into his bed with all of his stuffed animal monkeys and read a “Big Nate” book by Lincoln Pierce.

During Mommy and Me Time:
Jonas and I made blueberry muffins (actually, he did most of it by himself…so proud of him) and played Kubb.
Xander and I played Milk Jug/Bean Bag toss (a game Jonas used to play in rock climbing class). Xander is so fun with his trick shots…he reminds me so much of his Daddy in that.

Roman and I played Milk Jug/Bean Bag toss and Kubb as well.

During Science/Social Studies:
Jonas had already finished the recommended Science/Social Studies activities for today before school let out…lucky him.
Xander read two articles, watched a video, answered a few questions, and played a game on the Social Studies Weekly app.
Roman skipped Social Studies today.
All three of the boys did a Peep and jelly bean STEM activity, building nests and houses for their Peeps with jelly beans and toothpicks. (These pictures were taken at the beginning…by the end, their creations were quite elaborate…especially Jonas’…he built a Peep mansion…ha!)

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