
The boys and I went to the zoo this morning after Roman got a little bit of a nap in at home. It ended up being the perfect day for it…a beautiful, sunny, spring day. They especially enjoyed watching the monkeys swing from the trees and riding the train!!!


Let me introduce you to our resident climber…Roman Cole Seyfried. Oh my goodness…you turn your head for one minute and he’s standing on top of the train table, the rocking chair, the step stool in the bathroom, etc. Look out world!


A Full Day…

Today was a full day. I was trying to figure out how to break all of these pictures up into different posts and groupings and have just decided to put them all together to make it a little easier on my mommy brain.
Aside from it being my oldest brother Darren’s 50th birthday today (Happy Birthday, Darren!!!), I babysat two of our dear neighborhood friends’ little ones this morning so they could run the half marathon together (I love that am so proud of them…go Zack and Andrea!!!…hopefully, I’ll get there again myself someday). We had a blast doing what a whole gaggle of kids do when it’s pretty outside…and even played with several of our neighbors (there are actually people who live in these houses…haha…it’s almost like a ghost town in the winter). MeMe and PaPa came by to hang out for a little while and to give Roman his birthday present, and then they met Tom and Jonas at the ball field for Jonas’ t-ball practice. After nap time and before dinner, we all had fun swinging on the rope swing in the woods behind our house. Here’s our full day in photographs. Phew! Now I’m ready for bed. HaHa.

Happy 1st Birthday, Roman!!!

It’s so hard to believe that Roman is already a year old!!!
He’s such a great little guy…laid back and spirited at the same time, always ready to smile, very loving (physical touch is definitely one of his love languages), a big (and messy) eater, and an explorer through and through.
We ended up taking a trip to the pediatrician’s office on his birthday and having a quiet day at home because Jonas was sick (he had strep), but we still had a fun day together.
He had a blast at his birthday party this afternoon, playing with Pops and Maw, Aunt Julie, Mommy and Daddy, and Jonas and Xander. (The proof is in the cupcake on his face…ha!)


I’ve been waiting to see who Roman would choose to be his special stuffed animal friend. When he was a baby, it was definitely his green elephant lovey that our dear friends, The Reamers, gave him when he was born. Now that he’s a toddler (it’s crazy to think about how fast he’s growing), he’s been walking around carrying the gray monkey Pops and Maw gave him for Christmas. When I lay him down in his bed to sleep, he crooks his little arm around him and makes the sweetest little contented noises. And whenever he sees him, he says, “Ah ah ah!” (I think because we say, “Roman, what does a monkey say? Ooo ooo ooo ah ah ah!”). It’s so funny how the stuffed animal friends the boys have chosen reflect their personalities…Jonas has Pooh bear (maybe Tigger is truer to his personality but still…haha!), Xander has Wolfie and his Little Lambies, and Roman has Monkey. So sweet!!!


Fifty-Two Weeks…

At fifty-two weeks, Roman is: speeding up the walking (and getting more bumps and bruises along the way); laying down in his bed drowsy but awake more often than not and drifting off to sleep peacefully; taking two naps a day and wanting to go to bed a little earlier than he used to because he dropped his late afternoon nap; carrying around things when he’s walking…like his sleep sack and stuffed animal friend Monkey; and cutting two teeth on the top (it’s totally changing his look).


Fifty-One Weeks…

At fifty-one weeks, Roman is: shoveling in the food (he definitely wins the messiest eater award…holy cow…even with a bib…he has to have a full wardrobe change after every meal); dancing to his favorite music; and wait for it…walking (he looks like a cross between a T. Rex and George Jefferson when he’s walking…cracks me up).

Fifty Weeks…

In his fiftieth week, Roman is: saying “cracker”; taking a few unassisted steps here and there; and burning it up on the slide in the bonus room (he crawls up the slide, scoots down the slide, and stands at the top bouncing up and down, playing peek-a-boo and shrieking with delight at his brothers as they play).

Forty-Eight Weeks…

In his forty-eighth week, Roman is: saying “uh oh” (as well as “bye bye” and “DaDa”); joining in with our Jonas-led prayer at the table (it’s the sweetest little prayer that Jonas prays at preschool meal times with his teachers and friends…”Open and shut them, open and shut them, give a little clap, give a little clap, open and shut them, open and shut them, lay them in your lap…God our Father, God our Father, once again, once again, we bow our heads and thank you, bow our heads and thank you, amen…”)…Roman opens and shuts his little hands and claps and even sings and gets a serious look on his face…so adorable!

Forty-Five Weeks…

In his forty-fifth week, Roman is: trying corn, blackberries, and kiwi (overall, he’s ramping up on the finger foods and loving it); starting to bear crawl for some reason; standing for a few seconds on his own; and taking his first few steps (he by no means is walking yet…he’s still super into cruising and crawling…but I have a feeling that he will be soon).