Forty-One Weeks…

In his forty-first week, Roman is: saying “gah” (with much enthusiasm) for “dog”; doing his own version of the sign for “all done” (he puts both of his hands in the air like it’s a stick up…haha); and trying his darnedest to get into all of our cabinets and drawers.

Breakfast with St. Nick…

Tom and I took the boys to Breakfast with St. Nick at our church this morning. Jonas and Roman both wanted to meet St. Nick which was really cute. (Xander didn’t so we didn’t go there with him…I totally get it, though…he reminds me of my sensitive self as a child). Jonas and Xander both had fun bowling (knocking over the snowmen bowling pins) and doing Christmas crafts (coloring Rudolph, decorating foam magnet Christmas trees, etc.), and Roman enjoyed checking out the festive sights.